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Oxford Dhamma School 

Rules and Regulations

Dhamma School Rules, Guidelines and Responsibilities 

The following guidelines and expectations of the Oxford Dhamma School are introduced to maintain consistency and a positive conducive learning environment.


Responsibilities of Students:

  • Respect and follow instructions of the Teaching Staff

  • Behave in a responsible, polite, and courteous manner at all times

  • Engage in the learning and attempt tasks assigned to the best of their ability, including homework


Responsibilities of Parents:

  • Parents must ensure that children attend the Dhamma School regularly and be punctual. It is the parental responsibility to inform the Dhamma School of any planned or unplanned absences. All absences must be communicated to either the child’s class teacher or the Deputy Headteacher of the Dhamma School in advance before 1:30pm on Saturday. 

  • Ensure that your child is suitably dressed:

    • Boys: National Dress of Sri Lanka; otherwise, a charming and appropriate dress in white

    • Girls: National Dress of Sri Lanka; otherwise, a charming and appropriate dress in white

    • Jewellery: Girls may wear simple studded earrings; any other jewellery is prohibited.

    • Girls’ hair should be tied back or worn in plaits.


  • It would be reccommended for children to observe Five Precepts (Pañcasīla) and perform other initial spiritual deeds; therefore, parents must ensure that children arrive on time at 2:15pm.

  • Parents must ensure children bring their textbooks (related to History, Culture, Language, Literature, Buddhism, etc.), writing books and pens\pencils to the Dhamma School.

  • Parents and children are encouraged to participate in the Dhamma School activities such as the Mindful Celebrations of Vesak and Poson Full Moon Poya Day, Independence Day, New Year Festival, etc. Our aim is not only to provide textual learning but also nurture and flourish children's lives in the spirit of compassion, loving-kindness, altruistic-joy, and equanimity. For this reason, you and your child\children’s participation in these activities will greatly benefit and influence your child\children’s development towards the quality of life. 

  • Children are not allowed to bring any mobile phones, computer tablets, any type of games and sport equipment during class at the Dhamma School. 

  • Parents must attend Parent\Teacher meetings and any other relevant meetings.

  • Dhamma School Term Fees should be paid in full, on time at the beginning of each term. Your prompt payment will enable us to pay the classroom hire fees and other necessary expenditures at the Dhamma School. 


Code of Conduct for Parents and how to raise concerns:

We are very fortunate to have a supportive and friendly parental body. Our parents recognise that educating children is a process that involves partnership between parents, class teachers and the Dhamma School community. As a partnership, our parents will understand the importance of a good working relationship to equip children with the necessary skills for adulthood. For these reasons, we continue to welcome and encourage parents to participate fully in the life of our Dhamma School. Parents are students' most significant role models. Accordingly, the Dhamma School expects a high standard of personal behaviour from parents when they are attending the Dhamma School, attending events or communicating with the Teaching Staff. Communication and interaction with the Teaching Staff and other parents are expected to interact civilly with staff at all times. The Dhamma School takes any issues that are brought to its attention seriously. If parents express their concerns to the Dhamma School, they can expect to be treated with courtesy and respect in order to try and resolve the matter. 


Any concerns you may have about the Dhamma School must be made through the appropriate channels, so they can be dealt with fairly, appropriately and effectively for all concerned. If appropriate, your first point of contact should always be with your child’s class teacher. Please note that we do not expect parents to contact any of our Teaching Staff by Telephone. All members of the Teaching Staff are available soon after every Dhamma School day, therefore, we expect all parents to speak to the relevant teacher in person. If the matter is urgent and cannot wait till next Dhamma School day, then, parents are requested to contact the Headmaster of the Dhamma School, Rev Wadigala Samitharathana. For any reason, if you are unable to speak to the teacher in person, then, please put your concern in writing to the relevant teacher, or the Deputy headteacher, or the Headmaster of the Dhamma School. Written and spoken communication should be courteous and respectful. Abusive language, raising your voice, insulting or violent is not appropriate and the Dhamma School may feel it is necessary to take appropriate action.

Code of Conduct for Teachers:

A teacher is expected to demonstrate consistently high standards of personal and professional conduct.


Core Principles:

  • The welfare of students is paramount.

  • The Teaching Staff is responsible for their own actions and behaviour and should avoid any conduct, which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions.

  • Staff should work, and be seen to work in an open and transparent way.

  • Staff should discuss and/or take advice promptly from another senior member of the Teaching Staff or the Headmaster of the Dhamma School over any incident, which may give rise to concern.

  • Staff should treat students fairly, equally and with respect and without any sort of discrimination. 

  • Staff should have a sensitive and positive attitude towards differences amongst students and identify and respond appropriately to students, who have barriers to their learning, seeking advice where appropriate.


As a parent, if you have any concern about the conduct of a teacher, please contact the Headmaster of the Dhamma School, Rev Wadigala Samitharathana immediately.


Further information

If you require any further information in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact either the headmaster of the Dhamma School, Rev Wadigala Samitharathana or the Deputy Headteacher of the Dhamma School, TBC, accordingly. 

Code of Conduct


Your Volunteer Code of Conduct maps out what is expected of you at all times. 


This is our expectation of how you work with others in OBS/ODS (including volunteers, Teaching Staff, and children), and members of the public (including parents). 


By following it, you will be able to check that you are always doing the right thing and behaving in the right way.


This Code supports you by making your responsibilities very clear for you. Take it seriously and follow it with pride.


OBS Volunteer Code of Conduct

As an OBS/ODS volunteer, you must always:

  • be a good role model with behaviour and an attitude that are in line with our values.

  • comply with all applicable UK laws and guidance.

  • make sure you follow the OBS values.

  • be responsible and accountable in the way you perform your role.

  • be fair and treat everyone with respect and dignity in accordance with our Equality and Diversity Policy. 

  • respect others’ privacy in line with our policies and guidance.

  • communicate with others in an open and respectful way whether in person, by phone, writing or digital media. 

  • work together with the OBS/ODS members, their parents/carers and members of the public to propagate the OBS mission and values.


As an OBS/ODS volunteer, you must not act fraudulently or dishonestly, or do anything, which brings (or is likely to bring) the OBS into disrepute or have a negative impact on the OBS or its reputation.


What happens if I do not follow the Code?

Where someone does not follow the Code, it is referred to as a breach. If someone believes you have acted in a way that breaches this Code, they are entitled to let OBS know and OBS will formally investigate accordingly. 

Statutory Minimum Disciplinary Procedures

By law, at present there are certain minimum steps that must be included in a disciplinary procedure - these are known as the 'statutory minimum procedures'.


The Oxford Buddhist Society and the Dhamma School will follow the steps:

  • A letter setting out the reasons or reasons why they are considering disciplinary action

  • A meeting to discuss the issue

  • A disciplinary decision

  • A chance to appeal this decision


We will follow the ACAS code of practice. For further information please visit at:


The Process


1. Purpose of the procedure/Introduction

The Oxford Buddhist Society and the Dhamma School aim is to encourage improvement in individual conduct and performance.


This procedure sets out the action which will be taken when the rules are broken and provides a fair, effective, and consistent method of dealing with disciplinary matters.


2. Principles

  • All volunteers are expected to know the standard of conduct or work expected of them. It is the volunteer’s responsibility to seek this information from us.

  • Volunteers will be provided with details of the allegations and any evidence in support of this prior to the meeting and they will be given the opportunity to state their case. 

  • A volunteer is entitled to be accompanied by a representative or other colleague at the meeting. 

  • No volunteer will be dismissed for a first breach of discipline, except in cases of gross misconduct. 

  • Volunteers have the right to appeal against any disciplinary action taken. 


3. Informal discussions

Before taking formal disciplinary action, the President of the Charity/CIO will make every effort to resolve the matter by informal discussion with you. Only where this fails to bring about the desired improvement should the formal disciplinary procedure be implemented.


4. First or formal verbal warning

If conduct or performance is unsatisfactory, the volunteer will be given a written warning or performance note. Such warnings will be recorded but disregarded after two months of satisfactory service, providing there have been no subsequent disciplinary issues.


5. Written warning

If the conduct is regarded as more serious or the volunteer’s work or conduct are considered unsatisfactory after they have received a formal verbal warning, a disciplinary meeting may be called.


After a period of two months, if no further disciplinary action has been found necessary and the minor breach has been resolved, the warning will expire.


6. Final written warning

If the volunteer’s work or conduct fails to improve, or where the allegation is particularly serious, the President of the Charity/CIO will follow the same procedure for a written warning. If proven, a final warning will be given to the volunteer warning that any further misconduct will result in a dismissal with appropriate notice.


After a period of two months, if not further disciplinary action has been found necessary and the issue has been resolved, the warning will expire.


7. Gross misconduct

A volunteer can be dismissed without notice on the grounds of gross misconduct. The volunteer will be suspended from all his\her work, while the circumstances of the alleged incidents are investigated.


A dismissal must be confirmed in writing within five working days of the date of the disciplinary interview.


Where a volunteer is dismissed from the society or internally disciplined because of misconduct relating to a child, we inform the Department for Children, Schools and Families, other relevant agencies, and follow Local Safeguarding Children Boards guidelines.


8. The right to appeal

If the volunteer wishes to appeal against any disciplinary decision, they must appeal, in writing, within five working days of being notified of the decision.


9. Further information

If you require any further information, please contact the President of the Oxford Buddhist Society, Rev Wadigala Samitharathana. 



Equality and Diversity Policy 

The Oxford Buddhist Society strictly follows the Equality and Diversity Policy of the UK to eliminate all kinds of discrimination and enhance interpersonal well-being amongst different groups in society. Therefore, if you wish to read in detail regarding this, please visit the following website at diversity#:~:text=The%20Equality%20Act%20protects%20people,gender%20reassignment

Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Procedures
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